Honey Calms Children's Coughs

With cold season looming, an timely article by Dr. Steckelberg of MayoClinic.com:

Honey: An effective cough remedy? Is it true that honey calms coughs better than cough medicine does?

by James M. Steckelberg, M.D.

Drinking tea or warm lemon water mixed with honey is a time-honored way to soothe a sore throat. But honey may be an effective cough suppressant, too. In one study, children age 2 and older with upper respiratory tract infections were given up to 2 teaspoons (10 milliliters) of honey at bedtime. The honey seemed to reduce nighttime coughing and improve sleep. In fact, in the study, honey appeared to be as effective as the cough suppressant dextromethorphan in typical over-the-counter doses. Since honey is low-cost and widely available, it might be worth a try.

However, due to the risk of infant botulism, a rare but serious form of food poisoning, never give honey to a child younger than age 1. And remember: Coughing isn't all bad. It helps clear mucus from your airway. If you or your child is otherwise healthy, there's usually no reason to suppress a cough.

Article courtesy of mayoclinic.com.

To jump to our honeys, click Wee Bee Raw Honey and Synergy Company's Healing Honey.


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