Hydrate This Fall with Water-Rich Foods

As the leaves begin to fall and crisp mornings creep in, the lazy days of summer slowly start to fade. School's back in session, and fall brings with it a sense of new beginnings.

As our lives tend to shift with the seasons, so do our routines. While it was easy to hydrate poolside over the summer, dropping temps may leave us less-than-keen on H20. Let's face it - drinking the water our bodies need can feel like a chore (if we remember to do it at all).

Help has arrived, friends; and it doesn't involve forcing water down like a punishment.

Eat more water! Yes, it's possible...there's a plethora of veggies and fruits with high water content (and nutrients) that help meet those requirements without the "blah." Pack them in your lunch, snack throughout the day - and have fun mixing it up.

Another tip? When you do drink water, add fruits, veggies and/or herbs to infuse it with flavor. For fall, try cucumber & mint, pear & fresh ginger, or grapefruit & rosemary.

Hydrating Vegetables and Fruits:

   Cucumbers            Watermelon          
Lettuce Tomato
Celery Grapefruit
Radish Oranges
Zucchini Peaches
Bell Pepper Strawberries
Eggplant Cantaloupe
Cauliflower Pineapple
Cabbage Apples
Spinach Pears
Broccoli Apricots
Baby Carrots Plums

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