Easy Tips for Healthy Travel

For those following Donna Gates’ Body Ecology Diet AND have travel and vacation plans (lucky you), click here for excellent tips for maintaining a healthy digestive system on the road. The article has suggestions on how to easily bring fermented foods with you, road trip hints, plane travel suggestions, and restaurant and room service tricks. Some highlights are:

  • • Dehydrate your cultured vegetables into crackers that you can carry in your cooler or bag, and enjoy them with meals and as snacks.
  • • Pack some Body Ecology Potent Proteins. These are our exclusive blend of fermented superfoods that allow you to get your protein in the pre-digested form and do not require refrigeration. You can easily stir Potent Proteins into your water or lemonade on the go for that extra boost of energy.
  • • Have your favorite Body Ecology fermented beverages shipped to your hotel for your arrival, and try to have some before or with each meal.
  • • Pack or purchase a small bottle of raw apple cider vinegar to use on salads, fish, or mixed in your water with lemon and stevia for a very inexpensive way to make your food more digestible. (Raw apple cider vinegar is a pre-biotic that promotes good bacteria and healthy digestion in your gut.)
  • • Add supplements like Potent Proteins, Vitality SuperGreen, or LivAmend to your smoothies to help nourish and support your system.
  • • Snack on guacamole, cultured vegetables, carrots, jicama, peppers, celery, and cucumbers liberally.
  • • When flying, enjoy a light balanced Body Ecology style meal before you board, and be sure you take your digestive enzymes like ASSIST or ASSIST for Protein Meals to guarantee speedy digestion of that meal. Enjoy alkaline, mineral-rich beverages like green smoothies with Vitality SuperGreen before the flight to help keep you energized and nourished.
  • • Bring supplements like Vitality SuperGreen capsules to help keep you nourished on especially long flights

For so many of us, the words “healthy” and “vacation” may seem like polar opposites. However, with these simple tools, you can have the best of both worlds to eat well and feel your best even while on vacation. With these healthy living tips, you have the opportunity to enjoy your travel to its fullest by eating well, promoting healthy digestion, and returning home feeling better than before!

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