If you suffer from red, scaly, dry patches of skin, check out these six suggestions to help maintain skin health. These simple measures can often maintain normal moisture content of skin and achieve soft, healthy skin. Instead of turning to the topical steroids, which may suppress the problem and worsen it over time, try these six suggestions.
- Eliminate cows' milk and all cows' milk products from your diet, as well as foods that contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and trans fats (often found in snack foods and baked goods, margarine, and vegetable shortening).
- Take 500 milligrams of black currant oil or evening primrose oil twice a day (half that dose for children younger than 12). These are sources of gamma-linolenic aid (GLA), an essential omega-6 fatty acid that promotes healthy growth of skin, hair and nails. You should begin to notice positive changes in six to eight weeks.
- Apply aloe vera gel (from a fresh plant or buy lotions or moisturizers containing aloe) or calendula cream to the affected areas of your skin.
- Experiment with lotions and salves containing chaparral (Larrea divaricata), a desert plant used topically in Mexican folk medicine for skin conditions.
- Bathe or shower as quickly as possible, and use a non-perfumed moisturizing soap. Apply a thick moisturizing cream immediately after patting yourself dry - don't rub your skin when you towel-dry your body.
- Practice visualization and hypnotherapy. They can have a significant positive impact on allergy-related skin conditions. And try to relax - stress can make the condition worse. Explore relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises and yoga.
Article courtesy of Dr. Andrew Weil's site, found here.