Celebrating Non-GMO Month

Happy Non-GMO Month!

October 2012 marks the third annual Non-GMO Month, and the celebration could not be more timely. Recent polls show that more than 90% of Americans want to know whether or not their food contains GMOs, and 2012 has seen a groundswell in the “right to know” movement. In the past year, over 1.2 million Americans have contacted the FDA asking them to implement mandatory labeling of GMO foods, and more than a dozen states have taken up GMO labeling bills, including a voter initiative in California that puts mandatory GMO labeling on this November’s ballot. 

While consumers fight for their right to know at the polls, the Non-GMO Project is providing shoppers with an immediate solution to the presence of unlabeled GMOs.  As the only third party non-GMO verification in North America, the Non-GMO Project Verified seal is quickly gaining popularity. It’s now the fastest growing label claim in the natural products industry with more than 6,000 Non-GMO Project Verified products representing close to $3 billion in annual sales.

GMO labeling is mandatory in 49 other countries around the world, including Australia, Russia, China, and all of Europe, but no such requirements exist in the U.S. In this regulatory void, it’s more important than ever for individuals to take action in support of a safe, healthy food supply. Non-GMO Month is a perfect time to celebrate your right to choose non-GMO. For inspiration, check out our list of 8 Ways to Celebrate Non-GMO Month this October.

Article courtesy of the Non-GMO Project, found at nongmoproject.org.


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