Try A Wheatgrass Garden This Winter!

Do you love wheatgrass? Even if you've never grown your own, don't worry, it's easy! It will also add some lovely color to your kitchen, and you’ll be able to incorporate wheatgrass sprouts all year long.  

Wheatgrass is known for its bright emerald green color, which is due to its high chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll is the plant equivalent of the oxygen-carrying red pigment hemoglobin in red blood cells (for humans).

Wheatgrass is rich in P4D1, a “gluco-protein” that acts like an antioxidant, reducing inflammation. Some claim they like the taste of wheatgrass better than barley grass, stating barley grass has a bitterer flavor. 

This convenient grower allows you to grow fresh wheatgrass in just 10 days, utilizing your home's room temperature and lighting (no special lighting needed). You don't need soil, and although there are three trays, you are able to grown just one tray at a time, if you're inclined. The trays are made of a BPA-free plastic.

If you're juicing, each tray makes about 4oz of wheat grass juice. We recommend purchasing high quality wheatgrass seeds. Fresh wheatgrass is a great way to add vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients to your daily diet.  

One handy thing about this sprouter is the removable trays, making it easy to start different things at different times, providing opportunity for great sprout variety.

What is your experience using a sprouter?

Kelly Harrington, MS, RDN

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for Healthy Goods

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