There's certain correlations we all make with food. Oranges have vitamin C. Blueberries have antioxidants. Spinach has iron (& Popeye's obsessed). So, did you know:
Dark chocolate has more iron than spinach?
The dark leafy green boasts 6.43mg of iron per cooked cup, but 3 oz of dark chocolate (70-85% cacao) offers 10.12mg. Just one more reason to crave cacao.
Acai has more antioxidants than blueberry?
They both don the blue hue, but anthocyanin-rich acai has twice the antioxidants of blueberry.
Camu Camu has more vitamin C than an orange?
The notoriously-sunny citrus offers 69.7mg of vitamin C per medium orange, while 1 tsp. camu camu powder contains 30-60 times that (wow!) - 1180% of the recommended daily intake.
Goji berries have more beta carotene than carrots?
Ounce for ounce, goji berries offer more beta-carotene than carrots. This precursor to vitamin A plays a vital role in eye health. See? Snacking can be good for you.
Chia seeds have more dietary fiber than flax?
Per ounce, flax has 7.7g of dietary fiber (soluble & insoluble), while chia has 12 (60% of the RDI for women, 40% for men). Bonus point for chia: you can turn into pudding.
Sources "10 Plant-Based Foods Packed with Iron" "12 Foods With More Vitamin C Than Oranges"
Huffington Post "Camu Camu Benefits"
WIkipedia "Myrciaria dubia" "Maqui Berry vs Acai Berry" "Acai" "Anthocyanin-rich açaí" "Chia Seeds vs Flax Seeds" "Goji Berry Benefits"