Double Vanilla Hemp Peach Smoothie Recipe

There's a good reason why vanilla is the most popular natural flavoring: it has an amazing taste and fragrance. But in addition to that, vanilla has a sort of comfort feel to it. Remember all those vanilla ice cream cones as a kid? Pure joy.

Try this rich and delicious smoothie. Hemp seeds or hemp seed protein powder is optional, but it's a great way to add some protein to the mix.

In your blender, Vita-mix or MagicBullet, add:

1 cup crushed or cubed ice

1 1/2 cups vanilla soy, rice or almond milk (or regular milk)

1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen peach slices

1 teaspoon vanilla bean powder

1 teaspoon honey or agave syrup

3-4 teaspoons hemp seeds or hemp protein powder

Blend until thick and creamy. Enjoy.


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