Eating foods rich in the B-vitamins thiamine and riboflavin could help reduce the risk of PMS, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
A study within the large Nurses' Health Study II started with women who were initially free of PMS. After 10 years of periodically collecting dietary information, researrchers found that 1,057 women reported cases or premenstrual syndrome and 1,968 did not. Women who ate the most thiamine and riboflavin from food showed a lower risk of developing PMS. Consuming B vitamins from supplements, however, was not associated with lower risk of PMS.
According to the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, foods rich in thiamine include whole grain cereals, beans, lentils, peas, nuts, lean pork and yeast. Foods rich in riboflavin include fortified cereals, milk, cheddar cheese, eggs, almonds, salmon, chicken and spinach. However, the insititue reports on its website that riboflavin is destroyed by exposure to light, so don't leave that milk in a clear glass next to the window for very long.
By Anne Aurand, The Bend Bulletin.
(Blogger's note: more support for whole-foods based supplements, not those chemically created.)