Raw Food Made Easy - For 1 or 2 People
Getting 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day has never been so delicious and easy. In Raw Foods Made Easy, well-known Chicago-based cooking instructor Jennifer Cornbleet shares her favorite no-cook recipes, in smaller quantities ideal for one or two. While full of gourmet flavor, these recipes are surprisingly simple to make, calling for common equipment and ingredients found in any well-stocked grocery store. Essential time-saving tips and techniques, along with Jennifer's clear instructions, prove you don't have to toil in the kitchen in order to enjoy nutritious, delicious raw food.
For those new to a raw food diet, the book is organized into sections on breakfast, lunch and dinner, and dessert, in order to take the guesswork out of what to eat when. And for those who would like to add cooked foods to a meal, each chapter provides suggestions.
“Jennifer Cornbleet is the Rachael Ray of raw food. Her new cookbook, Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People, promises to teach you how to make delicious and simple, uncooked, vegan dishes in less than thirty minutes. It’s perfect for all those New Yorkers who live alone, have no time, and want to eat a little better without spending much money or making much of an effort.”--New York Press
Published 2005, 200 pages with color photos, found here. Or on DVD, found here.