The boar bristle brush is not a new invention. Boar hair has been used as bristles for brushes and even toothbrushes for hundreds of years, but why? Boar hair is almost identical to human hair in texture and this produces many benefits for your hair and scalp.
Boar Bristle Brush Benefits
1. Grows hair faster and prevents hair loss
The boar bristle brush gently massages the scalp, increasing blood flow and unclogging the hair follicles. One of the factors in hair growth is blood flow to the hair follicles. Without blood flow, your hair cannot grow. This can often be a cause of hair loss and slow growing hair.
2. Conditions hair
A lovely boar bristle brush benefit is the fact that it naturally conditions your hair. It will distribute your scalp’s sebaceous oils throughout the rest of your hair. This allows the oil to coat your whole strand of hair, rather than just having it sit on your scalp. It’s nature’s best conditioner!
3. Adds shine
Since the boar bristle brush evenly distributes your scalps oils throughout the rest of your hair, it creates a natural shine to your hair. I used to use chemically-laden shine sprays daily and I thought switching to natural products would mean no more shine. I was wrong! The boar bristle brush gives me better shine than I ever got with shine spray AND it’s natural.
4. Cleans hair
Brushing with a boar bristle brush will take the oil that is otherwise weighing down your roots and making them look greasy, and distribute them throughout your hair. This will take away the oiliness at the roots. It will also remove excess oils on the hair by trapping them in the brush. The brush also helps to catch fuzz, dirt, and waste material build-up on the hair and scalp like a magnet.
5. Prevents hair breakage and frizz
Your scalps sebaceous oil acts as a natural protectant for your hair. It will help to seal in split ends, prevent hair breakage, and reduce frizz. It is better than any anti-frizz serum that you can find on the market today. It will also allow your hair to have more elasticity which will reduce breakage.
6. It’s a great styling tool
One of the best boar bristle brush benefits is that it works as a great styling tool for a couple of reasons. If you stand straight and flip your hair over, brush from the nape of your neck forward, it will leave your hair with amazing volume! On the flip side, if you brush your hair regularly your scalps oils coating your hair will help to naturally straighten your hair, no heat required!
7. Balances your scalps oil production
One of the little known boar bristle brush benefits is that it will help to balance out your scalps oil production. If your scalp is underproducing oils, it will help to stimulate the oil glands to start producing more oil. It will also allow your oil glands to breathe.
8. Softer hair
Since your hair strands are being coated in your scalp’s sebaceous oils, your hair will become softer! This is one of my favorite boar bristle brush benefits. The oils naturally condition your hair, leaving your hair shiny and super soft!
Article courtesy of, found here.